"Active Star Wars: The Old Republic subscribers will be offered Aboriginal Admission starting December 3 and Preferred Status Players on January 14," accepted EA. The amplification will be accessible to the accepted accessible on February 4.
Active subscribers as of November 1 will accept an absolute Galactic Starfighter aboriginal Gunship alleviate and custom Gunship acrylic jobs. Other aboriginal admission rewards cover two pilot suits, the 'Test Pilot' and 'First Galactic Starfighter' titles, and "the best leveling and progression benefit".
"Galactic Starfighter will be a abysmal acquaintance that will abide to abound over time. We can't delay for both our accepted and new players to get their easily on it soon," commented BioWare Austin GM Jeff Hickman. The aboriginal agenda amplification for Star Wars: The Old Republic, 'Rise of the Hutt Cartel', was appear in April.
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